After many years away from Rwandan cinema, Manzi and Fabiola return


After years of absence from the Rwandan film industry, Kayumba Vianney and Mukasekuru Hadidja Fabiola (famous as Manzi and Fabiola) are making a comeback with a new film titled Tears of Love. The two actors, who rose to prominence through the hugely popular film Amarira y’urukundo, have generated excitement among Rwandan movie lovers.

The return of Manzi and Fabiola marks a major milestone, as the film industry in Rwanda had long been missing the presence of these beloved stars. Amarira y’urukundo gained tremendous popularity when it was first released in 2011, and its story remains unforgettable for many.

The film tells the story of a young couple, Manzi and Fabiola, who fall in love but face many challenges due to Fabiola’s family. Fabiola’s father, Diallo, disapproved of Manzi because he was a driver, not meeting his standards for a suitor. Fabiola also had a difficult relationship with her stepmother, who frequently mistreated her and caused strife with her father by falsely accusing her of various wrongdoings, keeping her under constant pressure.


As their relationship grew, Manzi and Fabiola faced numerous trials, from family interference to misunderstandings that almost tore them apart. Eventually, Fabiola betrayed Manzi, secretly having a child with another man and abandoning the baby out of shame. The drama continued to unfold as the couple struggled to find happiness, and Fabiola’s actions led to even more complications in their lives.

Now, a new chapter of Amarira y’urukundo is being released under the title Tears of Love. The film is being produced by Hakorimana Obed, with Mukasekuru Hadidja (Fabiola) co-writing the screenplay alongside Kayumba Vianney. The film is being directed by Bunduki and Kayumba Vianney.


The new installment of the story features a number of fresh faces, with actors such as Nshimiyimana Pacifique (who plays Dave), Mukeshimana Yvette (who portrays Hirwa, the child Fabiola abandoned), Cyuzuzo Violette (playing Suzana) Umutoniwase Constance (as Shivan), and Ben Rurangirwa (as Doctor Martin). Additionally, Eugene Niwemuto, Ukwizagira Gaspard, Karangwa Innocent, and Mutirende Jaqueline also join the cast in roles such as Muzehe Ruhetamajumu, Hacker, and Masoeur Therese, respectively.

The film is already generating a lot of buzz, and its release is highly anticipated by fans of Rwandan cinema who are eager to see the return of these iconic characters. Tears of Love promises to be another captivating story, filled with drama, love, and deep emotional connections that will resonate with audiences.

In an interview with, the filmmakers briefly mentioned that the film they are bringing to their fans is the second part of Amarira y’urukundo, though with a new title in English. They emphasized that they will no longer leave their fans longing for more, promising to deliver captivating films and true-life stories that are both engaging and rich in content.

Although Kayumba Vianney has not appeared in Rwandan films recently, Fabiola has been active in films such as Inzira y’umusaraba, Ejo Si Kera, Imbaraga z’umugore, and others, many of which are comedies available on YouTube.


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